
About Hannah

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So far Hannah has created 16 blog entries.
11 01, 2019

Is Your Home Naturally “Air-Conditioned” in the Winter?

2023-11-01T21:15:54+00:00January 11, 2019|Home Improvement Blog, News, Uncategorized|

“Brrr, love that draft coming in from these old windows! Can you please grab me a second blanket?” Said no-one ever! You don’t have to constantly be grabbing extra throw blankets, readjusting draft snakes, or using your hairdryer and shrink wrap to try and seal off dated windows. Make 2019 [...]

26 10, 2018

Fun at Recent Window Installation

2023-10-03T14:30:14+00:00October 26, 2018|Home Improvement Blog, News, Uncategorized|

[metaslider id=6414] Normally, we are tucked in the heated office answering phone calls, setting up appointments and working with you in the showroom. Today, a co-worker and I played hooky from our normal jobs to cross-train. We spent the morning in the crisp fall air to learn and observe the [...]

5 02, 2018

Ways to Prepare For Your Installation

2024-04-17T15:00:30+00:00February 5, 2018|Home Improvement Blog|

It’s a bright, cold, winter day in mid-February in Wisconsin which means it’s the perfect time to install a new window, right? And here you are on the job site, putting your tool belt on and carrying a heavy triple pane window into a customer’s house when WHOOPS… your feet [...]

18 12, 2017

Merry Christmas!

2023-01-11T20:59:55+00:00December 18, 2017|Home Improvement Blog|

What do you think of when you think of Christmas? Is it a guy in a big red suit cramming himself into your chimney? Is it a wee bairn laying in a manger? Is it your Uncle Ole's lutefisk that remains untouched on the platter for the 25th year in [...]

16 10, 2017

Fall Beauty

2023-01-11T20:59:57+00:00October 16, 2017|Home Improvement Blog|

The crisp fall air has descended upon us, turning our thoughts to the upcoming season and all it brings.  Leaves turning darker hues as they fall from their trees, the crispness in the air, home-carved jack-o-lanterns, caramel apples, neighborhoods full of Halloween trick-or-treaters, Thanksgiving turkey dinners, and the soon-to-follow Christmas [...]

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