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Windows and doors are very important for the safety and security of your home. They can serve as escape routes in a fire and they can help prevent intruders from breaking in. The truth is that most burglars get into homes the same way everyone does, by going through windows or doors.
It’s important to take precautions and do safety inspections on a regular basis. Here are some commonsense ideas:
- Keep windows and doors locked even when family members are home.
- Update the locking hardware on your entrance doors by installing new locksets and deadbolts.
- Replace short screws in the door plates with longer ones.
- Replace wood entrance doors with steel or fiberglass doors with peepholes and minimal glass for the best security.
- Replace old, unsecure patio doors with new, more secure models that have multi-point locking systems.
- Replace old, easily-breached windows with new, heavy-duty replacement windows.
- Ensure that window air conditioners cannot be easily removed from the outside.
- Replace any broken or cracked glass in your windows.
- Keep drapes or shades closed, during evenings and night, so possible intruders can’t see in. Sheers can help conceal your home’s interior during the day but still allow light in.
- Upgrade basement windows because substandard basement windows are often targeted by intruders.
- Consider tempered or laminated glass in areas that require extra security because each is very difficult to penetrate.
- Keep shrubs trimmed low or totally remove shrubs and trees in front of windows so they can’t hide possible intruders.
- Install motion detector floodlights near all doors.
- Keep ladders locked in the garage, not lying in the yard for intruders to use for easy access.
- Keep the door between your home and attached garage locked.