Clearing the View: Tips & Tricks for Window Cleaning
The days are getting warmer, and Spring is right around the corner. And with the Spring season, comes the household ritual of Spring cleaning. While cleaning out the basement and vacuuming the living room is sure to be atop the priority list, it’s also the perfect time to get the dirt and grime knocked off your windows and let the sun shine through!
Sometimes this can be easier said than done, especially if you’ve got outdated windows that won’t budge when you’re trying to clean them. If that’s the case, it might be time to get in line for an update, but if that’s not on the docket, All American Window & Door Co. is here to give a couple of tips on your Spring window cleaning!
Cleaning Your Double Hung Window
First off, before we get the power washer out it’s best to start with some glass cleaner and a soft cloth such as a microfiber cloth. Getting the interior of your windows cleaned is always a great place to start as you go through the rest of your indoor cleaning. As you begin to clean the inside of your windows, you may realize most of the dirt and grime is coming from the outside plate of glass.
Now, depending on what type of window you’re cleaning getting to the outside might be possible from the inside. If you have a double-hung window that you’re cleaning, you’ll be able to unlatch both the top and bottom sash to get easy access to cleaning the exterior glass. If this is the case, we recommend using the same process as you did for the interior glass. Quick and to the point, your windows will be looking as good as new! If you’ve got an older window, this might not be the case and you’ll find yourself up on a ladder or using the hose to reach those hard-to-get areas.
The Inside & Out of Your Window Cleaning
As the double-hung window is the most popular one you see nowadays, a newer version like the ones we provide at All American Window & Door Co. will make things easy when it comes to cleaning. For other styles of windows, such as a crank-out window or even a picture window, you may have to find yourself outside. A little soap and water can go a long way when it comes to the exterior cleaning of a window.
You may see your neighbors outdoors with the power washer and think that’s a quick way to get it done, but in reality, that’s something that can be very harmful to your windows. We recommend using soap (or glass cleaner) and your regular hose. It’s easier for you than using a spray bottle and some paper towel, and it won’t break through the window and leave your house drenched in water!
If you happen to have a squeegee available we would advise using one of those as well. Keeping the streaks off of your windows will let the sun shine right in. Always be sure to inspect your windows while cleaning, you never know if there’s something leaking in or if some of the wood may be rotting around your window and there’s never a better time to check than the present.
All American Window & Door Co. is the Leader in Window Replacement
When it comes to cleaning your windows, keeping soft materials is one of the keys. The last thing you want to do is break a window or cause an issue with your glass. If you find that cleaning your windows can be quite a hassle, it might be time to look into the newer versions of the windows that are being offered now. All American Window & Door Co. provides information and education on the types of windows we sell, including how to properly clean! Most newer windows come with built-in ways to make your Spring cleaning easier on you!
And while you clean, if you find an issue with something on the interior or exterior, be sure to call the professionals at All American Window & Door Co. to come and take a look. If there’s an issue at the surface level, odds are there’s more than one issue within the opening of your window. In situations like that, it’s best to get it handled quickly to ensure no further damage is done to the window cavity or other parts of your home. Contact the team at All American Window & Door Co. for more information on types of windows and any issues you may see while spring cleaning!